Aegis Initiative:Rules

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Aegis Initiative is intended to be a powerful resource for anyone that runs conventions or attends conventions to identify and avoid the people that make conventions not as fun as they could be.

And with great power comes small-minded fools that want to abuse said power.

Therefore there are rules, restrictions, and policies you must understand if you are to maintain a good relationship with us and continue using this resource to remain safe at conventions.

Continued and concerted violation of these rules, restrictions, and policies will result in us banning you from all of our social media presences and issuing a “burn notice” so that others know you are not to be trusted. If you would like to know what a “burn notice” entails, please visit the “About the Project” page on the website.

Rules for using and interacting with Aegis Initiative:

We here at Aegis Initiative are not, and I repeat NOT, your personal army

Under no circumstances will we act on information given to us unless we are 100% certain that the information given to us is true, accurate, and verifiable. We will NEVER fight anyone’s personal vendetta. We will only act in the convention-attending communities interests as a whole. Anyone who violates or attempts to violate this rule will receive the strongest rebuke we are capable of.

Aegis Initiative is a tool to be used purely for informational purposes ONLY

Aegis Initiative is not 4chan, Encyclopedia Dramatica, Kiwifarms, LoLcow, or a barely-tolerated private shitposting group on Facebook. While the creators and curators of this Project may laugh at the same or similar things, understand that what flies for “serious information on bad people” on those platforms may not fly here. Try not to be offended when we ask for better and more detailed info. We’re trying to do more than just laugh at the worst of the worst.

Information shared through Aegis Initiative is not up for debate

If you believe we have come to our conclusions in error, please contact us via the form or social media through one of our many accounts. Please tell us in clear and concise detail what we got wrong and provide verifiable evidence to support your claims. We will not tolerate arguments, or invitations to debate the veracity of our claims. We seriously and intensely research all information posted on this website.

Consider this rule a “Content Warning” for the entire website

The Aegis Initiative website will frequently discuss issues many would consider unsettling, triggering or extremely uncomfortable. There may be graphic depictions of sexual assault, domestic assault, physical violence, abuse of underaged persons, etc. We do not share this material for our own personal entertainment. We share it so that you, the visitor of this website, are well and truly informed about the individuals discussed here. If that is not something you can handle we do sympathize, but we suggest you use a trusted companion to view the material you require and summarize it for you, if such a thing is possible.

Aegis Initiative will not support or associate with ANY persons or entities we find to harbor extremist ideologies or sympathies

While we do not consider ourselves to be “Anti-fascist” or “Anti-leftist” in the traditional sense. We see this simply as self-preservation. We are an organization which exists to keep convention attendees and staff safe. We must strive to maintain an air of “journalistic neutrality”. Allying with a specific fringe political element prevents us from doing that.

THAT BEING SAID, “neutrality” does not mean “both sides bad” to us. Both sides of the current culture war DO NOT contain “very fine people.” We are not ignorant.

ADDITIONALLY we exist to ensure the safe and sustainable operation of adult-centric convention programming and entertainment for everyone, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation or any other circumstance of birth you may have been stuck with. It is a simple and inalienable FACT that those who specifically harbor far-right tendencies, and especially those who mix such ideologies with religion, are the complete polar opposite. We will tolerate exactly ZERO debate or argument over this rule. We pay the bills to keep this website on the internet, you do not. Don’t like it? Find a better political circlejerk.

Aegis Initiative will not support or associate with ANY persons or entities that engage in, support, or otherwise tolerate pedophilia of any kind

Aegis Initiative doesn’t care if you call it “ephebophilia” or “being the lead singer in a pop-punk band”, it’s gross, illegal, and extremely exploitative of vulnerable people who cannot really speak for themselves.

Advocating violence in any serious manner is an automatic BAN from all Aegis Initiative communities and social networks

People that Aegis Initiative discuss may be deplorable but it is not up to us as Aegis Initiative or YOU (as some random visitor) to arrange the meeting between them and their creator (if any). We will never, under any circumstances, allow anyone to advocate for violence against those who we discuss. They’ll shuffle off the mortal coil in their own stupid ways, they don’t need any help.

Aegis Initiative is a public tool intended to be used for the betterment of our community

Aegis Initiative is on the whole a community effort. If you have information on a subject, please contact us so we may add to or correct any information we have. If you think a certain social media community could use our help, please share a link to our website or one of our many social media presences. If you believe a certain convention’s security or public safety department could use, and wants, our assistance, then share our email address. We’re all in this together.

Aegis Initiative will not give in to demands of any kind

The sole exception to this is Court orders. Aegis Initiative will not, for any reason whatsoever, alter our website or social media posts, at the behest of anyone unless verifiable proof is shown that it is the right thing to do. Doesn’t matter who you threaten or what you threaten to do or how much screaming you do, we are all stubborn, unrelenting millennials with very little money who kinda want to die. You ever seen that one Tom and Jerry cartoon where Tom pokes Jerry with the sword and Jerry kinda looks at him like “just fucking end me, fam”? That’s us.

Aegis Initiative is not in the business of interrupting what happens between consenting adults, never ask us to do so

Aegis Initiative will not help you shut down room parties, we will not help you crack down on individual drug use, we will not help your security staff cock-block adults grinding on the dancefloor at your con-rave, we will not help you crack down on Ahegao-print clothing worn by attendees over the age of 18. Whatever it is, we don’t care, our response will simply be “no”. That being said, if you are concerned that there are occurrences at your con of people being drugged against their will, minors being given inappropriate substances, or anything else blatantly illegal or that is of questionable ethics and dubious consent, then we may be able to help you.

Please remember that Aegis Initiative is NOT a replacement for Law Enforcement or the court system

Aegis Initiative is only a resource for INFORMATION, not ENFORCEMENT. There are clear and obvious limits to what we can do as civilians. Never ask us to go beyond those boundaries. It doesn’t matter why, just don’t. For a short list of best practices in this regard, Click Here

At this time (2021) Aegis Initiative’s reach is limited to the North American continent

This is not a permanent, nor is it a strict rule, we just need time to gain access to better resources in your geographical area. At this point in time we are limited by resources and knowledge to issues impacting countries in North America, primarily the United States. We are unfortunately not gifted with the ability to speak multiple languages. BUT, more importantly, we do not have exposure to legal systems and their wildly different eccentricities outside of those within North America. If you would like us to cover persons outside of this continental boundary, you will need to give us a much greater amount of detail so that we can understand what is happening or be patient with us as we ask you a thousand and one different questions that may be obvious to you but would be completely alien to us.

No, Aegis Initiative won’t shut down that hotel party for you

This should already be covered by rules 1, 3, 8, 9, 10 AND 11, but people don’t listen and do not read, so we need to repeat ourselves from time to time. We don’t care how much you hate groups such as 1449, or the lumberjacks, or C.U.C.K.S. or Con Legends. Aegis Initiative has NO desire to see their activities shut down. MORE IMPORTANTLY, provided they are not violating the law, this would be a flagrant contradiction of our previously-stated goal of creating a safe environment for adult-centric entertainment at conventions. If you have clear, verifiable evidence of wrongdoing happening inside that party, you should have called the venue or con security or the cops first, not us. We want to know AFTER you have contacted an actual ENFORCEMENT group.

No Aegis Initiative will not shut down that Social Media community for you

ONCE AGAIN, this should have already been covered above, but for purposes of clarity: Aegis Initiative doesn’t care how much you hate 1449, C.A.D., C.U.C.K.S, or other closed social media groups. Unless you have evidence of ACTUAL wrongdoing, and have already contacted the moderation team for that social network and/or Law Enforcement, Aegis Initiative is uninterested, we want to know AFTER you have contacted an actual ENFORCEMENT group, if you have clear, verifiable evidence of wrongdoing.

Aegis Initiative is a NEUTRAL organization, NOT pacifist

Do not mistake our neutrality for pacifism. We will defend ourselves from attack in the most prudent and legally appropriate manner when necessary. In this context, we consider “attack” to be mostly attempts at vandalizing this website or attempts to intimidate us into silence. For more detailed information on this, please see our “rules of engagement” section within our “About the Project” page. Think “Switzerland” not “Gandhi”.

"Good Faith Doctrine" in content curation

We promise to always do our best to hide the names of people who give us screenshots and keep the innocent safe from mob justice. We do this by censoring out any names that are not directly involved with those we report on. Obviously we don’t always get it right. Please use the “Contact Us” page to inform us if you would not like your name in any screenshot we host (So long as you are not the focus of our report). We will not respond to screaming or incoherent demands that do not come from the proper channels, and we will not look kindly upon anyone who spams our DM’s or email inbox about this issue.

Aegis Initiative has no employees, Aegis Initiative is not hiring, there is no one to "fire"

Aegis Initiative acts as a monolithic entity and does its best to keep the identities of our volunteers secret, so long as they feel the need to remain nameless. We are all volunteers. No one is getting paid. We all do this in our spare time. We will never be “hiring” new volunteers. If we think you can assist us long-term, we will contact you directly. Finally, there is no one to “fire” or “terminate” from Aegis Initiative. If you think there is someone deserving of a “burn notice”, please provide verified documentation by [[Special:Contact|contacting us.

Aegis Initiative is not responsible for the consequences of the misuse of the information hosted on this website

Aegis Initiative specifically restricts the amount of personally identifiable info we share with the public to an amount that is considered legal in the United States and the home country of the webhost, which will remain undisclosed. If those who view this website do more digging on their own, that’s not our problem. Consider ceasing the behavior that earned you a page on this website.

What Aegis Initiative does is not illegal, you’re just mad you got caught

The legal definition of “doxxing” is extremely inconsistent and vague. That being said, your public Facebook profile is NOT private information, the city and state you live in are NOT private information, your unsolicited nudes provided to us in a censored form by someone who didn’t want them are NOT private information, things you disclose publicly on the internet are NOT protected. Threatening Aegis Initiative with legal action because we compiled information that you yourself publicly disclosed is only going to make us laugh and take another screenshot. If you want to know what DOES constitute illegal doxxing, consult a lawyer.

This is to be considered a living document that can change at any time

Aegis Initiative will do our best to inform you as to any rules or policy changes, but they WILL change as we are exposed to new problems and challenges and grow from them. Please be patient and understanding.