Category:Tier 1

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Neutralized Persons and Generalized Burn Notices

This KPT or “Known Person/Threat” is believed to be incarcerated, dead, no longer involved with the convention community or otherwise Persona-Non-Grata at the events they were known to frequent in the past.

Aegis Initiative has no reason to think this person holds a credible threat to anyone in our community, or we in fact have evidence that they are no longer able to harm anyone within our reach. Nevertheless, their deeds are heinous enough or are significantly awful enough that we as Aegis Initiative believe they are worth noting for posterity.

In short: They did something really bad in the past, so bad that even if they no longer go to conventions or other nerd events, it's a good idea to note the incident so that something similar doesn't happen again.

Burn Notices

A "Burn Notice" is our way of notifying the community we serve of a person or group that is in one of three categories:

1) They have been known to share disinformation with convention staff, convention attendees, or the public at large, usually through social media

2) They have attempted to force Aegis Initiative to act upon information they know to be false

3) They have attempted to get law enforcement, security forces, or government agencies to act on falsified information

As you can imagine, a person or group that engages in these activities could cause great harm if they are successful.

If you see a wiki page detailing a Known Person/Threat or Hostile Organization/Entity with the Threat Level of "Burnt", this is why.

Pages in category "Tier 1"

The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total.